Translate your product instantly.

We help you get new customers who speak any language by giving you the tools to internationalize your whole product in minutes, not months.

$curl -o && chmod +x && ./

or see how it works

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Internationalize in minutes

Simply sign up, install our package, and use our VSCode extension which intelligently finds all of your user-facing text and gets you translating ASAP.

  • 20+ languages supported
  • Compatible with Next.js and React
  • Quick setup flow that takes ~10 minutes

Instant translation

No more waiting for days for your translations to be done. We leverage the power of AI to take your text along with the context of your application to achieve the best possible translation within minutes.

  • Accurate translations, in context
  • On every build, detects and translates new strings
  • Automatically detects the user’s browser locale

Easily monitor your status

Our dashboard lets you see and manage all your strings, all in one place.

  • See your current locales and add more
  • See how every string got translated
  • Add specific lingo for consistency across your product

Get started internationalizing today

We have a generous free plan, letting you get started without worrying about paying until you add a second language.